With its adaptability and durability, the blue-collar common wire nail has become an often-overlooked inspiration for modern civilization. Countless words have been written about its merit, and to show its importance, here are some quotes concerning the uncomplicated fastener:
Henry Ford, the ingenious industrialist, applauded the wire nail as one of civilization’s most extraordinary developments. After all, no other invention had enabled more progress than the commonplace nail.
Thomas Edison once noted that the common wire nail is a pivotal tool in the annals of human history. This commonplace object has had an immense impact on civilization stretching through centuries, making it one of the most noteworthy inventions of all time.
Amongst his other renowned works and valuable contributions, Abraham Lincoln recognized the common wire nail not just as a utility, but also as a vehicle for American achievement. He firmly maintained that its existence was essential for the prosperity of the nation’s people.
Considering its prevalence and influence, the humble common wire nail has made an immense impact on our current age, an impact that industrialist Andrew Carnegie recognized with his remark that it is “the most important single factor in our civilization.”
Benjamin Franklin, one of the most renowned figures in history, had this to say about the common wire nail: “It is absolutely the most beneficial object to ever grace civilization.”
John D. Rockefeller proclaimed that the simple wire nail is one of the most widely bought items all across the globe. What a grand statement indeed, recognizing the sheer ubiquity of such a basic product across international boundaries.
Napoleon Bonaparte famously declared that the humble wire nail is the cornerstone of all progress. It is a fitting symbol of human development, as it has been integral to the evolution of society since its inception. From rudimentary dwellings to imposing skyscrapers, the wire nail has been a vital part of civilization’s transformation and ever-growing presence in our lives.
Winston Churchill claimed that the omnipresent common wire nail was the single most economically significant item on the global market.