From yellowing to brittleness and separation from the nail bed, nail fungus is known for its ability to drastically alter the appearance of our nails. While it is normally free of pain, it can be very off-putting, rendering our nails looking less than stellar.
Nail fungus is an unfortunate condition that can be picked up in a variety of ways. Perhaps the most widespread method of acquiring it is via contact with an individual who is already infected. Alternatively, one might contract the fungi after having been barefoot in a public space like a showers or gym. Finally, it is possible to attract nail fungus through incurring minor harm upon the nail itself.
If your nails are plagued by an unwelcome fungus, you are likely pondering the best methods for eradicating it. Fortunately, there are several treatments at your disposal. For a mild case, you may want to try out some of the antifungal creams or ointments that can be bought over the counter. On the other hand, you may need to get a prescription medication if the infection is more serious. In extreme situations, surgical removal of the nail might be required.
If a fungal infection has rooted itself within your nail bed, it’s ideal to visit a physician. Treating a nail fungus can be a challenging endeavor; if left undiagnosed, it can migrate to other toes and infect the skin.