Your fingers are your canvas when it comes to a manicure, so it’s crucial to choose the right nail size. Whether you’re going for a subtle look or a more dramatic one, the following guide will help you select the perfect nails to complete your artistry. From nubs to talons, let’s explore some of the most commonly-used nail sizes.
On average, the length of a fingernail would measure up to about 2.5 centimeters. However, there are reasons to believe that you can find some nails that come in lengths which are either far greater or significantly shorter than this mid-range marker. Reportedly speaking, the most typically observed lengths for nails would be:
These nails measure up to no more than two centimeters in length, making them an ideal selection if you prefer a natural-looking manicure or if your nails are delicate and tend to break off without much effort.
Perfect for a touch of versatileness, these nails measure 2 to 3 centimeters – a length that lets you flex your style skills to create either a sophisticated or a laid-back allure.
For an eye-catching and bold look, these 3 centimeter or longer nails are the perfect selection. With their impressive length, these nails are guaranteed to make a statement. If your nails are long and strong, they’re best suited for this style.
Want to make a big impression and show off your long, strong nails? Try our extra-long nails! With over 4 centimeters of length, these nails are sure to be the talk of the town.
It’s time to pick the perfect size of nails that matches your wants and preferences! Take your time to slowly file them into the shape of your dreams. Don’t neglect the essential basecoat and topcoat, which will make sure your manicure lasts a long while and will keep your nails healthy.