Vertical ridges on the nails are a cause of distress for countless people. They can be off-putting, and often spark worry in those faced with them. But, what leads to these ridges appearing, and what steps can be taken to help reduce or even eliminate them?
Investigating What Causes Ridges in Nails
As the years pass, our nails tend to grow more slowly, causing a ripple-like appearance known as ridges to appear.
Lack of critical vitamins and minerals such as biotin, iron, zinc, and calcium can mean that your nails will encounter a deficiency of nutrients, thereby creating ridges.
Trauma to the nails can often manifest in the form of nail ridges. Whether it be a knock, scrape, or something more severe, any damage suffered by these small but mighty appendages can inflict ridges that run down the nail’s surface.
4. Some medical issues, like psoriasis, eczema, and lupus, can cause the growth of grooves along the nails.
A variety of medications, ranging from acne medications to beta-blockers and chemotherapy drugs, can result in the development of nail ridges.
Nail ridges might be symptomatic of either a hyper- or hypo-active thyroid gland.
Nails that are dry and brittle may be a sign that one is suffering from dehydration. Prolonged dehydration can even cause ridges to form in the nails.
Those who are frequently surrounded by strong chemicals, like detergents, cleaning agents, and solvents, may find their nails forming ridges.
To help avert or reduce the presence of these unattractive ridges, which can be brought on by a few typical explanations, here are some helpful tips to bear in mind:
Consume a diet packed with essential nutrients to promote robust nail growth and keep your body healthy.
To ensure strong and healthy nail growth, try to avoid exposing them to anything too intense. This includes anything from chemical products to a prolonged or excessive amount of water or other caustic elements.
Keeping your nails clean, properly hydrated, and dry is one of the key components of maintaining good nail health.
To protect yourself from noxious chemicals and for maintaining necessary standards of cleanliness, make sure to don a pair of gloves while doing any form of manual labour.
For a trendy, intricate manicure, ensure to use superior grade nail polish and remover.
If you detect any unexpected symptoms or your nail ridges are immovable despite your attempts to overcome them, seek counsel from your medical practitioner.
All in all, nail ridges can be the result of different things like aging, lacking in nutritions, health problems and traumas. To avoid the look of these ridges or reduce it, it is important to take care of our nails by keeping them clean, to provide our organism with the proper nourishment through a balanced diet and also to try and stay away from aggressive substances. Healthy nails mirror the level of health we feel within us!