You have certainly landed in the right spot if your mission is figuring out the most efficient way of driving nails into concrete. Weighing the operational particulars, there are multiple approaches you could take, each possessing its own unique pros and cons.
The time-honored technique of cracking stone is surely the hammer and chisel approach. It takes a sharp, precise hand as well as considerable arm strength, and one must be extremely vigilant to ensure that the chisel stays unscathed.
A power drill presents a much simpler and more efficient option to hammer and chisel when dealing with concrete, though it is important to exercise caution to avoid potential destruction.
For those in a hurry, the nail gun is a great option of construction on concrete surfaces. Its speed and effectiveness are a blessing, however caution should still be observed to prevent permanently damaging the nails.
Regardless of the tasks being carried out, ensure that you involve safety measures and don a pair of protective goggles for your eyes as well as a pair of gloves for your hands.